Desmet Fine Art

Classical Sculpture

Regentschapsstraat - 17/19
Rue de la Régence
1000 Brussels

M + 32 486 02 16 09 

Instagram: @desmetgallery


Tom Desmet founded the gallery in 1980 and has been joined by his son Tobias 10 years ago. Together they offer classical European sculpture to collectors and institutions and pride in the authenticity, rarity and quality of the pieces.

The sculpture dates from Antiquity over Renaissance to early Neoclassical pieces; evoking the taste of a Grand Tourist travelling around Europe in 1800-1830.

Workshop Baccio Bandinelli (1493-1560)
Profile Portrait of Alexander the Great (365-323 BC)

White Marble -m 57 x 42 cm
Florentine, c 1550