Watteeustraat - 21
Rue Watteeu
1000 Brussels
M : +32 495 207 546
Instagram: @o_grifone
Period furniture and works of art from ancient times to the 19th century .
Wim Prové started his career in a local auction room and began his own business in 1990. In the beginning the emphasis was on Art Deco and Empire, but gradually operations were expanded to include the buying and selling of works of art from around the world. The collection is eclectic, ranging from the beginning of our era over the Haute Epoque to the 19th century. Sculptures and objects in ivory, bronze, marble, wood, iron , porphyry, etc. and occasionally a piece of furniture. Regardless of which continent the object comes from, authenticity is the highest priority.
A fragment of a sarcophagus,
Period Roman Ist-IInd century CE in Egyptian Porphyry