Costermans & Pelgrims de Bigard
18th and early 19th century art
Grote Zavel - 5
Place du Grand Sablon
1000 Brussels
T. +32 2 512 21 33
M. +32 475 58 56 71
Our house offers a wide choice of furniture, firemantles, chandeliers, paintings and decorative arts, mostly european from the 18th and 19th centuries. Our workshops produce following the rules of craftsmanship luminaries: Sconces, lanterns; and ironworks, mainly copied from antique originals. To equip your fireplace you will also find here a unique selection of cast iron backplates, but also antique and modern accessories for the fire.
Carstiaen Luyckx (Antwerp 1623 - After 1658)
Flower cartouche still life around a feigned relief of a putto blowing bubbles
114.5 x 88 cm (45 ¹/₈ x 34 ⁵/₈ inches)
Oil on canvas